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Phone number/WhatsApp: +972542059787


Q: How long is shipping time?

A: Shipping time depends on delivery location but typically received within 3 weeks, usually less. On rare occasions, due to unforeseeable circumstances, it may take longer. You can read more about shipping here

Q: Can I return the item if it doesn't work for me?

A:Sure, If your product is damaged or not as described, just reach out to us within 30 days of receiving the product and you will have your choice of a replacement, an alternative item, or a full refund! Read about our refund policy.
To contact us go to our Contact Page

Q: How do I check the status of my order?

A: You will be emailed your receipt immediately after you place your order. Once your order has been shipped, you will receive your tracking number. At each step along the way, you can use it to see where your parcel is located by going to our  Track Order page or any other tracking site such as Parcels.

Q: Do you provide a quality guarantee for all the products being sold?

A: Absolutely! If you do not like the product or find it is damaged, contact us immediately! We do all we can to ensure your best shopping experience. You can contact us and we will make sure the issue is taken care of.
To contact us go to our Contact Page

Q:  How can I get in contact with you?

A: You can send us an e-mail or WhatsApp message or fill out an online form. 
Click Here for all contact information

Q: Do you offer a refund if I don't like the product?

A: Absolutely! If for any reason you are not satisfied with your order, contact us within 30 days of receiving the order and we will refund you. Read about our refund policy.
To contact us go to our Contact Page

Q: How do I order on your website?

A: For one item, click the "Buy Now" button. For multiple items, click the "Add to cart" button and when you are done selecting items, click the cart icon on the top right, then click "Check out".
Fill in your shipping and billing information and we'll have your order shipped to you as soon as possible! Checkout is secure and you can use Paypal, Mastercard, Visa, AMEX. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need assistance.
To contact us go to our Contact Page

Q: Do I need a PayPal account to order?

A: No, PayPal is used only as a transaction platform, most international credit cards can also be used, Visa, Mastercard, Amex, and more!

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